
To provide an innovative emulsifier & surfactant system which will 1) Enhance the performance of any formulation economically. 2) Give the value more than the price to both formulators as well as the final user.


Establishment: Year 1993-94:
Products offered general pair emulsifiers, dosages lesser by 10% than the prevailing emulsifier dosages offered by all the suppliers / manufacturer of emulsifiers.

Year 2005-06:
Launched general pair emulsifiers, dosages lesser by 25-30% than the prevailing emulsifiers dosages offered by all the suppliers / manufacturers of emulsifiers.

Year 2010-11:
1) Launched general pair emulsifiers, dosages lesser by 50-60% than the prevailing emulsifiers dosages offered by all the suppliers / manufacturers of emulsifiers.
2) Surfactants for SC formulations.
3) Emulsifiers for EW formulations.
4) Surfactants for WP & WDG formulations.

The Journey:

Modi Auxiliaries and Chemicals was established in the year 1993 by the owner Mr.Sanat J. Modi, who is also the partner of M/s.Indiclay, formerly, the manufacturer of pesticides formulations like DP,WP,SL and EC under the brand name ‘Alltox’, the company was also dealing in clay & minerals business, established in the year 1963 by his father Late Mr.J.M.Modi, who was also the chairman of PMFAI (Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India) till he died in 1986, at that time Mr.Sanat J. Modi was doing his graduation in Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. After the death of Mr.J.M.Modi, executing all the responsibilities of M/s.Indiclay , Mr.Sanat J. Modi completed his graduation parallely.

Having very deep interest in research and development in any subject connected to pesticides formulations industry, Mr. Modi did all his research  & development work  in the laboratory  by stealing times  during business managing hours, by dedicating his time after office hours and by sacrificing off days during his young age, initiated his work with QC department targeting the conventional chemical method of analysis which was taking long time to clear the batches against the huge production output, he himself developed & shifted all the formulation active ingredient analysis and determination of content of the toxicant in Suspensibility test on GC ensuring the optimum accuracy & speed in comparison of the routine chemical methods.

After providing the boost of accuracy and speed to clear the production batches, to synchronize the production department output with the lab output, he worked on all the production machinery and equipment to ensure greater & quality wise better output, as he was also working on WP formulation recipes & became successful to achieve more than 90% Suspensibility in all the WP formulations against the usual minimum requirement of 50% in standard hard water as per BIS standard specifications.

In all the EC formulations, after 1990 he found that the usual dosages of emulsifiers were not sufficient & he found that he had to increase the dosages of the emulsifiers  year by year due to the ban on one of the raw materials to make anionic component used in the emulsifiers ie. the hard slurry for EC formulations.

After development of emulsifier dosage ascertainment method, Mr.Modi found that the emulsifiers supplied to him are heavily diluted, the reason being the bargaining done by his purchase department, therefore Mr.Modi developed his own emulsifier and began the company named ‘M/s Modi Auxiliaries and Chemicals’ in the year 1993, the preliminary aim was to get nearer to previously available dosages i.e. to develop an emulsifier system having dosage lesser by 10-15% than the prevailing emulsifiers available in the market.

Due to the imposition of octroi @ 5.5% on all the raw materials, it was not feasible to run the formulation unit in Mumbai, hence it was decided to discontinue pesticide formulation activity of M/s.Indiclay in the year 2004. Then subsequently from the year 2004 to year 2006, Mr.Modi concentrated on the development of surfactants and emulsifiers for EW formulations, SC formulations, WDG formulations (spray dry method) and also developed general pair of emulsifier for EC targeting the dosage reduction by 25% against the emulsifiers available in the market which could cover only 40-50% range of pesticides formulations.

Crop protection industry is more to serve the farmers through the crop quality & yield of the crop which is having a direct purpose to feed our entire population. In the purview of the same, Mr.Modi practically took many field trials, studied the application of insecticides, fungicides & weedicides in the available water in all the probable climatic conditions. As a part of his research, he checked the difference of bio-efficacy of the subjected insecticide formulations by taking field trials with the insecticide formulations having low, moderate and higher Suspensibility(WP) / Emulsion spontaneity (EC) and eventually, he applied his all the said studies in his formulations till he was a pesticide formulator, and now he is making emulsifiers, surfactants and additives used in the formulations considering all his studies and experiences.

In the view of the above, after the year 2009, for the benefit of the formulators and the end users, Mr.Modi developed a premium grade general pair of emulsifiers suitable to almost all the EC formulations working at half the dosage against the currently available emulsifiers in the market along with other emulsifiers, surfactants and additives for different formulations i.e. EW, WP, WDG, SC ….etc.