It is very very important for a formulator to select right emulsifier and introduction of right dosage in a formulation because the marketed formulation must perform perfectly throughout its shelf life bearing all the climatic conditions and perform while it is subjected for the application at the farmer level at unknown temperature and unknown water hardness at any point of time.
To satisfy the above mentioned criteria, if an EC formulation can perform best in 34. 2ppm hard water to 800ppm hard water, it can also sustain all the variations of the climatic conditions.
Therefore the formulation chemist have to keep the dosage level of emulsifier in any formulation in such a way that the formulation should perform the best in the hardness ranging from 34.2ppm to 800ppm water hardness.
Only right emulsifier, right ratio optimization and right dosage can satisfy all the parameters, therefore through our research, knowledge and experience, we can share the determination of right emulsifier, right ratio optimization and right dosage which are explained here under.
In general the nature of the toxicant and type of solvents used would influence the selection of emulsifiers. Furthermore, the choice of the ratio and the total dosage of emulsifiers may vary from one formulator to another, depending upon the sources of raw materials and the emulsion standards aimed at. Therefore, we recommend that the appropriate ratio and total dosage are identified (screening) by the formulator using representative samples of the inputs such as the toxicants and solvent.